Privacy Policy

    Our Privacy Policy

    Please be advised that the official website of Rabindraniketan, along with its affiliated companies and subsidiaries, is We kindly request all users and customers exercise caution and avoid relying on information provided on any other websites that may appear similar to ours. It is crucial to understand that such websites may contain misleading or false information, potentially leading to financial losses for users or customers who rely on them. If you come across any websites that resemble our official website, featuring our brand name, logo, or any other identifying information, we urge you to promptly contact us using the provided contact details. This will enable us to take appropriate action to address the situation.

    Please note that our Privacy Policy governs the collection, usage, maintenance, and disclosure of information obtained solely from individuals. This policy applies to Rabindraniketan, our affiliates, subsidiaries, group companies, partners, and agents, referred to as “We,” “Us,” or “Our.”

    If you have any concerns or inquiries regarding our privacy policy or website usage, please do not hesitate to contact us at the email address provided. We greatly appreciate your cooperation in this matter.

    Personal Information

    We have the capability to gather various types of information, known as “Personal Information,” which can be used to identify you. This includes details like your name, address, email address, phone number, and other pertinent information relevant to the contractual agreement with you.

    The collection of Personal Information takes place through various channels, such as subscribing to our newsletter, completing forms, and engaging with other activities, services, features, or resources available on our websites. Additionally, as you navigate through our websites, certain information is automatically collected. While you have the choice to decline to provide personal information, it’s important to note that doing so may limit your participation in certain activities on our websites.

    How we use the information

    We gather and utilize Personal Information for a range of purposes, including improving customer service, tailoring user experiences, enhancing our websites, conducting promotions or surveys, providing relevant information, sending periodic emails, and fulfilling specified objectives. Your consent enables us to process and share your information accordingly. You have the right to withdraw consent and unsubscribe from our email communications. For any inquiries or to manage your preferences, please contact us using the provided contact details.

    Web Browser Cookies

    In order to enhance your user experience, Our Websites may utilize “cookies.” These are small files that are stored by your web browser on your hard drive, serving purposes such as record-keeping and occasional tracking. You have the ability to configure your web browser to reject cookies or receive notifications when cookies are being sent. However, please be aware that certain parts of the Websites may not function properly if you choose to do so. It is important to note that the use of cookies is a widely adopted practice on the internet for standard operating procedures.